School Council

At Dyffryn Taf the voice of our pupils is important to us. We want to raise awareness of the hard work of the Student Council by regularly updating you on their progress.


“Participation is about children and young people in Wales – having a voice when decisions are being made that affect them, and being actively involved in making decisions. This right is set out in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child (UNCRC).”

Our aims are:

  • To represent all pupils
  • Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views
  • Feedback to pupils
  • Make things happen – or explain why they can’t.

Pupil Voice

Pupils have recently come up with the idea of a suggestion box. The School Council representatives from each year group visit their registration classes to gather information. We ask pupils to put their name and date onto the suggestions as we want to ensure sensible suggestions and we can also contact particular pupils if there is a particular concern.

School Council Logo

We are in the process of setting up a competition to get pupils to design a School Council Logo.

Experience and Involvement

In September, the newly elected members of the School Council had the chance to visit ‘The Houses of Parliament’. This was an extremely informative trip. Pupils had a guided tour of Westminster. They also took part in a workshop where they learnt about the whole process of democratic voting.